General information
The Department for Internal Communication and Networking is responsible for integrating (new) members of the student body (VS) and removing barriers to productive cooperation in the VS committees. We are also the point of contact for students who want to get involved in the VS but do not yet know where and to what extent this is possible.
We organize networking meetings for student councils, university groups and other student associations. In this way, we help you to connect with each other and with the central bodies of the VS, such as the Student Council (StuRa) and the Department Conference (RefKonf). We also support student councils in setting up internal structures where necessary.
We support new committee members withonboardingto the VS. In concrete terms, this means making contacts, opening up work processes, getting to know the resources of the VS and – if necessary – creating guidelines.
Structure and culture
In addition to setting up structures to facilitate the work of the members of the VS, we also see it as our responsibility to ensure that the working culture in the VS is productive, collegial and fundamentally positive. As a large proportion of the VS carries out its work on a voluntary basis, a good working atmosphere is of central importance.
That’s why we regularly organize various events such as games evenings, pub crawls or cooking/baking together. On the one hand, these function as opportunities for all students at the university to enjoy each other’s company during their studies. On the other hand, such events contribute to informal networking between members of the student body. This creates a friendly atmosphere and facilitates and enriches cooperation in the VS.
Centralized and decentralized
Both the central and decentralized levels are important for the representation of students in the VS.
The student councils represent your respective degree programs decentrally. You can join the active student councils of your degree programs at any time. You can find the contact details here.
There are also a number of decentralized university groups – both political and non-political – in which you can participate. Some of them are also represented in the StuRa. They are listed here.
As a contact point and through the organization of networking meetings, the internal department is there to connect the student councils and university groups with each other and with the central organs of the VS.
The StuRa as the legislative body and the RefKonf as the executive body of the VS work centrally to fulfill concerns that affect all students at the university. Here, too, the internal department functions as a liaison and integration body, networking StuRa members and speakers with each other.
If you would like to become directly active at a central level, we will be happy to help you get connected. Are you still unsure which boards suit you best? We will be happy to help you find an overview!
Useful links
You can find an overview of the VS offices and how full they are here.
A schematic overview of the VS structures can be found here.
Bela Batereau
Consultation hour:
Every Tuesday, 16:30 until the start of StuRa or Refkonf in Albert-Ueberle-Str 3-5.
Department for Internal Communication and Networking (Internal Department) of the StuRa
c/o StuRa-Büro
Albert-Überle-Str. 3-5
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: 06221/54-2456