Saturday & Sunday: colorful program with Latvian students – come join us!
On Saturday and Sunday (July 23-24), twelve student representatives from Stradiņš University in Riga will come to our beautiful city. They would like to meet with active members of our university and also see something of the university and Heidelberg.
Therefore, we are planning a “University/StuRa/Doctoral Students Day” for Saturday, and a more touristy day for Sunday – and invite all interested students to join us! You can come just for an hour or an afternoon, but also for both days.
So if you feel like accompanying them, for example, to the Marstall refectory or on a pub night: Just write an email to [riga@stura]. Then we will invite you to a group where we will coordinate the visit and tell you live where to join each time.
Currently planned schedule
may and will change at a moment’s notice, if you want to join us, call +49 163 6358663
13:12 pick up at train station, walk to the Marstall Mensa, visit Bergheim Campus
ca. 14:00 Lunch at Marstall Mensa
ca 15:00 Presentations at StuRa-Office at Sandgasse 7, 69117 Heidelberg
ca. 16.30 Tour of INF (Neuenheimer Feld Campus)
ca. 18:00 Return to the old town: Castle, maye. Then Mensa again, maybe
20:00 Watch “The Mistress of Wholesome” at the Theater im Romanischen Keller
22:00 Whatever. A club, maybe?
9:30 Breakfast at the StuRa Office at Albert-Ueberle-Str. 3-5
11:00 Walk up the Philsophenweg, maybe. Back to the old town? Alte Aula, Karzer, maybe
Lunch? Maybe at the StuRa Office, probably just Lunch packages
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